How to Build a Token Distribution Block for an ICO Website| AGENTE

How to Build a Token Distribution Block for an ICO Website

Custom graphics showing a laptop

In today’s digital world, cryptocurrency has turned into much more than just a buzzword. It’s akin to a successful project where everyone wants to get involved. Many celebrities like Lionel Messi have turned into keen advocates of the crypto economy. 

But still many people find it difficult to tell the difference between cryptocurrency coins and tokens, and use these terms interchangeably. But coins and tokens aren’t the same thing.

Coin (aka altcoin) represents a cryptocurrency that makes use of its own platform and operates independently. There are two common types of altcoins: the ones like Dogecoin that are just variations of Bitcoin, as they are built using its source code, and altcoins like Etherium that are built using independent and new blockchains.

When it comes to tokens, they represent a specific utility or asset which depends on another blockchain platform. They are issued and sold to early supporters during a crowdsale (ICO) as a vehicle for funding project development. Tokens are broadly divided into two categories: security and utility. The first category bears a similarity to bonds, equities, and derivatives, while the second is all about the provision of access to the products and services of the forthcoming project.

ICO websites usually provide information about token distribution to show backers what they will get in comparison to other asset holders.

Read also article about NFT marketplace development.

What are Token Sale Landing Page Blocks?

You must understand that token distribution affects your business. Therefore, it is very important to provide blocks for a token sale landing page. There are some important blocks that almost every token sale landing page has.

  • ICO Details

Site owners want to make sure that online visitors have a full understanding of the project, no matter on what page users land. That’s why they add at least a brief project overview on all the landing pages of the website.

ico details


  • Token Sale Timeline

As fundraising is the primary aim of the sale, it’s vital to display its dates so that users can mark them on the calendar in order not to miss the event.

token sale timeline


  • ICO Token Distribution

One of the most important page blocks, it clearly states how many assets purchasers can get at each distribution stage. More details on how to design a token distribution block will be provided in the next section of the article. 

ico token distribution


  • Team

Potential investors will want to be sure that they can trust people who have launched the project otherwise they won't take part in the sale. Placing the “Team” block on the page will help you to make a positive first impression. You may also include short bios of team members, and links to their LinkedIn profiles.

ico team


  • Partners, Investors, and Advisors

To make visitors believe in your project even more, add information about those people who already support it, such as your partners,  investors,  and advisors. A photo and the name of a renowned industry expert on the page will definitely do you a good turn.

ico advisors


  • Contact Us

Demonstrate that you're ready to answer any questions that may arise by including links to all your social media accounts (e. g., Twitter and Facebook), messengers,  and email addresses. This way you’ll gain people's trust.

ico contact us page


  • Media

Unknown endeavors won't pique anyone's interest. The ‘Media’ block is a perfect tool for letting users know that you do have supporters. And if a trusted online source like Reuters or Forbes speaks about the crowdsale, you will never miss your goal.

ico blog


  • Subscription

Use the subscription form to gather email addresses of potential investors. Sending them regular newsletters with notifications about the event ensures that users won’t forget about the sale. 

These blocks are important for achieving the main goal of token distribution - raising funds for the development of projects.

subscription form ico


How to Design a Token Distribution Block

Forward-thinking site owners understand that they cannot skimp on the quality of design. A great design not only catches visitors’ eyes, but also indicates that the project deserves attention. People who devote themselves to the project will never agree on a poor design. They will look for a beautiful design that can sell.

You will rarely find an ICO website that displays the token distribution information on an individual page, as it usually comes as a separate block on the crowdsale landing page. 

design a token distribution block


Make this block as informative as possible, but don’t use too much content. All sale-related facts should be described in a clear and concise way, thus allowing users to get all the necessary information at once.

token sale terms


Graphs, charts, and schemes are exactly what you need for such a block. They can help you arrange the content in the best possible manner. For instance, you may include information about the bounty reward in a graph. Use several colors to enhance clarity and readability of the content.

token sale charts


If you have decided to include some text, don’t go into detail. Mention just the most relevant facts, otherwise you will overload the block and users won’t bother reading it.

token distribution


A member of your team should update the block whenever necessary to ensure that it includes the latest information about the sale.

10 Token Distribution Design Examples

We’ve prepared the best token distribution block design examples to give you an idea of how this block looks like on various websites.

1. Signals

Token Distribution Design Example


2. Gladius

Token Distribution Design Examples


3. Sapien

Token Distribution Design Examples


4. Gron Digital

Token Distribution Design Examples


5. Viola

Token Distribution Design Examples


6. Vanywhere

Token Distribution Design Examples



7. Repux

Token Distribution Design Examples


8. Joy Token

Token Distribution Design Examples


9. Velix

Token Distribution Design Examples


10. Karma

Token Distribution Design Examples


Summing Up

By means of the token sale, a company or a group of people carrying out the project can raise funds for it. To capture the attention of potential investors, they launch ICO websites and token sale landing pages. In this article, we’ve gone through two frequently confused cryptocurrency terms: coins and tokens.

Then we looked at the most important blocks for a token sale page and included an example of each block. We also paid special attention to the design of the token distribution block and shared with you some useful design tips on how to create it.


Similarly, these design principles can be effectively applied to p2p marketplace platforms, enhancing their functionality and user engagement.

To give you a complete understanding of a successful block design, we carefully selected the best design examples from different sites.

We hope that now you know how to create a stunning distribution block for your crypto project. If you still have any questions, feel free to contact the AGENTE team.


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