Case Studies for Mobile Development

Social app design
Design of a social app for plant enthusiasts to connect with groups, find tutors, make friends, and grow their businesses.

AI Chat Assistant
Our goal in developing an AI chat assistant app was to create a user-friendly interface and a versatile toolset for various tasks, from social media content to essay writing.

FQ—Health-minded Fitness App
FQ is a weight loss and training planning app. Project included UX & UI design and iOS application development.

DrinGet – Food Ordering App
DrinGet is a web and mobile order and delivery system. Our work included product discovery, app design, logo creation, and branding services.

San Francisco Stock Exchange
Design solutions for the new finance product launch and the MVP for the mobile app.
Let's Work
Is there a challenge your organization or company needs help solving? We’d love to discuss it.
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Tkit — Event Ticket Booking App
A multifunctional iOS app for event management and online ticket booking with an interactive newsfeed.

Hey Wine — Mobile E-commerce App
An e-commerce iOS app, a web app and a promo website for elite wine ordering